Stay Updated!


Somehow you've found your way to my humble website where I'm starting from the ground up. All you need to know about me is that I want to always create. I'm very passionate about realizing ideas and concepts in an appealing manner. I'm very driven and I will be successful.

If you made it through that heartfelt speech, congratulations. If you're still interested: welcome!

I'll keep this home page updated with my life as it relates to art. I'm currently looking for paying jobs and/or internships so I'll post a lot of that here too.

July 14, 2015 @ 10:10am EST

Head on over to check out my budding series dedicated to The X-Files.

New Opportunities

Great news! I was accepted for an internship working with the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority!

Job Hunt Breakdown #2

  • 24 June: Sent application & resume for Job #21070
  • 10 July: Chief HR emailed requesting a phone interview
  • 15 July: Telephone interview conducted
  • 29 July: I got the internship! (per phone call)

It doesn't stop there! I was also accepted into a "projectship" as a Brand Ambassador for the innovative job training/recruiting company ProSky!

Job Hunt Breakdown #1

  • ? June: Applied for position through website
  • 30 June: Director of Marketing emailed requesting a phone interview
  • 1 July: Telephone interview conducted
  • 8 July: I got the position! (per email)
  • 10 August: Anticipated official website kickoff

Although I've been struggling and definitely feeling overwhelmed, its great that two employers saw something in me worthwhile. I can't wait to work hard and impress. I'm going to get there, one day at a time.

30 July 2015 @ 11:30am EST